» ICEcare » ICEcare.net ICEcare on your mobile phone could save a life... yours or someone you know!  
An emergency preparedness solution needs to be dependable.
There is too much at stake here: The objective is to help you get informed care and to save your life.

An impact that renders you to be unconscious may likely render your phone to be inoperable. If your entire preparedness initiative was solely based on mobile phone, then this will put you in a vulnerable position.

ICEcare.net: A dependable foundation to your preparedness initiative.
ICEcare.net enables you to retain your profile data securely; accessible only with your login credentials: Your email address and your password. Data that can personally identify you is retained as encrypted; further securing your privacy against any unauthorized access, and providing you the following benefits:
  • You may grant controlled access to your data WITHOUT disclosing your identity; truly valuable if your device is inoperable or locked while you may be in an emergency. Facilitated with a unique identifier code provisioned on ICEcare Sticker, which is included with ICEcare.net Annual Service. More ...

  • Ability to secure your ICEcare profile data on your mobile phone remotely, especially valuable if your mobile phone is misplaced or lost. You may disable ICEcare app or delete your ICEcare profile from your mobile phone remotely.

  • Ability to migrate your ICEcare profile data to another ICEcare supported mobile device when you replace your current mobile phone.

  • Ability to input data from your preferred browser on a computer and download it very easily to your mobile device.

  • Ability to print ICEcare Card for your Wallet; a fail-safe alternative to provision quick access to your profile data.

  • Ability to define and share your Home Emergency Plans with members of your family. Once accepted, you will all have the option to retains it on your mobile phone.
Intended Audience:
ICEcare.net is an ideal emergency preparedness solution that may be used by anyone, regardless of their age, country they are based in, or if they have a mobile phone. It includes one ICEcare Sticker for every user covered. Options prevail to facilitate preparedness for multiple users under a family plan. Users may share their unused licenses with friends to promote preparedness.

Getting Started:
You have probably heard the old Chinese proverb: "Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty". You have to plan ahead. Click here to get started. We hope and pray that you never have any emergencies, but it happens to the best of us, especially when you least expect it. This 15 minute investment of your time today will be much appreciated by you and your family if you ever find yourself in an emergency!

ICEcare.net annual service costs about a nickel a day, or $19.98 per year, for an individual and about a dime per day, or $49.98 per year, for a family of five. ICEcare mobile application bears a one-time cost of $4.99 per platform and is sold separately. The app may be acquired from platform specific store (AppStore for Applie iOS, MarketPlace for Android, etc). You are welcome to sign-up and experience ICEcare.net at no charge; ICEcare Stickers will be mailed to you after the acquisition of annual service.

First Responders at Work:
First responders worldwide check victim's wallet and mobile phone as their standard operating procedure. It helps them identify the individual and locate their next of kin. First responders are almost always racing for time as they strive to save lives. They do not have the time to call ICE Contacts at that time, even if they are defined in addressbook on users mobile phone. Click here to learn why?

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